
Feeding the future: The science of smart agriculture

Climate change constitutes imminent and lasting threats to food security. Smart farming helps agricultural processes in terms of resource optimization, controlling climate effects, and improving crop yields. An overview of the future of agriculture through climate sciences.

Africa’s climate change adaptation pathway

Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change and variability, a situation which is further aggravated by its low adaptive capacity and the interaction of factors such as poverty, energy demand and rapid urbanisation.

Finance, resilience, action: Three climate keywords for Africa

Africa stands at the forefront of the disproportionate impacts of climate change despite having contributed minimally to global greenhouse gas emissions historically. In September, the first Africa Climate Summit aimed at finding common finance solutions to foster a green and sustainable growth for the continent. The results are summarized in the Nairobi declaration, highlighting the urgency of a strong climate finance strategy, throughout the continent and at an international cooperation level.

africa renewable energy

Can renewables put a spark in Africa’s clean energy future?

The African continent contributes less than 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and its growing population suffers from some of the lowest access rates to electricity in the world. Yet, it is also home to some of the fastest growing economies and incredible renewable energy potential. Linking future growth to renewables is key to both the continent’s successful development and achieving global climate goals.

Energy efficiency: The low hanging fruit

Decoupling emissions from economic growth is seen as a key requisite for meeting climate targets. How do we achieve this? “Energy efficiency resources are infinitely expendable resources of ideas, depleting only stupidity, a very abundant resource,” says Amory Lovins.

Are we making progress towards a net zero future?

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest report sets a roadmap for net zero emissions by 2050. From progress and positive signals, to bottlenecks and rising challenges we look at how researchers, media and NGOs have reacted to the report. “Governments need to separate climate from geopolitics, given the scale of the challenge at hand,” says IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol.

Wildfires from attribution to solutions: tools and resources

Fire has always been an integral part of human civilization and a key ecosystem process. Fires influence vegetation growth, environmental conditions, and even our climate. However, a changing climate and human interactions through land change use and forest management are having an impact on the intensity and frequency of wildfires. So, what can we do about it?

Extreme events as a menace to wellbeing: what we know, and how

Diseases spreading to new corners of the globe as local climates become more suitable, vulnerable members of society killed by extreme events, reduced ability to work and faltering food security. A collection of CMCC reports, papers and articles on the impacts of climate change on human health, including strategies and tools to address them.


Climate and health: understanding the entanglement

Infographics, resources, and analyses to understand the way climate change and health are closely connected. The increasing frequency of extreme weather events and substantial environmental transformations, primarily driven by climate change, pose significant threats to both physical and mental well-being. These changes have far-reaching implications for safety, affecting people’s access to critical resources such as clean air, safe water, food, and healthcare.