Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture – Submit your comments and join the event

Available the paper preview summarizing the views submitted on the elements included in the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) and the process foreseen for the implementation of this joint work. Request a copy of the draft summary, and share your inputs by 20 May 2018. On May 3, 2018, join also the event "Koronivia for Climate Action: raising ambition through agricultural sectors"

In the run-up to the 48th session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 48) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 48) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bonn (30 April – 10 May 2018), FAO developed a draft summary of submissions by Parties under the historic “Koronivia joint work on agriculture” (Decision 4/CP.23), the landmark agreement adopted at COP23 for the agriculture negotiations under the climate convention which emphasizes the key role of agriculture and food security in the international climate change agenda.

This work is the outcome of a collaboration between FAO’s Technical Network on Climate Change and the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC).

This summary aims to make the wide range of views submitted more easily accessible to all interested – in particular, Parties and observers to the UNFCCC. The ultimate aim is to support efforts to identify a joint way forward for climate action in the agricultural sectors.

The paper preview can be viewed HERE.
Interested Parties and observers are invited to review and provide feedback on the draft summary. Email Koronivia-JWA@fao.org to request a copy of the draft summary, and share your inputs by 20 May 2018.

Moreover, on May 3, 2018, from 18:30-20:00 in the Bonn Room (181) the event: Koronivia for Climate Action: raising ambition through agricultural sectors
Organized by FAO, IFAD and WFP, the event will engage with experts from national governments and international institutions to unpack the historic Koronivia decision.
Follow the webcast HERE.



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