Deep into the future planet: The trailer

Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

Deep into the future planet: The trailer

Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

The future is being shaped by today’s ideas, solutions, and decisions. The future is now.
In a world in which the climate crisis is taking centre stage, we can draw inspiration from the insights of scientists, artists and activists.
Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

Foresight – Deep into the Future Planet, a podcast produced by the CMCC and FACTA. 



Is the AMOC one of the planet’s most vulnerable tipping points?

Could climate change interrupt the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation – the system of currents that circulates water within the Atlantic Ocean – and bring about a new ice-age? A recent study suggests this tipping point may be closer than previously thought.

protecting public property

Brick by brick: A multi-dimensional approach to protecting public property

Climate scientists worked together with state property administrators and technicians towards understanding and assessing key climate hazards for buildings in Italy. A one-of-its-kind collaboration, it resulted in a step-by-step methodology to support efforts in evaluating the impacts of climate change on built heritage. The process involved examining prevalent tools in architectural and urban design, analyzing common policy frameworks, and exploring emerging trends at the community level.


El Niño is here and its effects will be no child’s play

El Niño has officially arrived and with it sensationalist headlines about temperature thresholds, extreme weather and destruction. “However, it is important to remember that climate change isn’t a strictly linear process and El Niño simply highlights the ups and downs in what is a generally warming trend dictated by climate change,” says CMCC researcher Leone Cavicchia, as he explains what ENSO is, how it impacts local and global weather, and what to expect now that it has arrived.