Deep into the future planet: The trailer

Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

Deep into the future planet: The trailer

Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

The future is being shaped by today’s ideas, solutions, and decisions. The future is now.
In a world in which the climate crisis is taking centre stage, we can draw inspiration from the insights of scientists, artists and activists.
Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

Foresight – Deep into the Future Planet, a podcast produced by the CMCC and FACTA. 



2017 sets new record in global CO2 concentration

Global levels of greenhouse gases have reached another new record high, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).


Inspiring women: stories of science and talents

They are distinguished scientists who have written (and still do) the history of many disciplines or are teachers whose dedication and encouragement is a reference point for many scientists today. These are stories of women in science. Beyond the barriers of gender inequality that still affect the world of scientific research, there are success stories of women who, pursuing their ambitions and nurturing their talents, make a difference for science, society and people. These stories can shorten the path to inclusion by inspiring other Women and Girls in Science. As the world is about to celebrate them with an International Day on February 11, we share some of such amazing stories.

Glasgow climate pact

Unwrapping the Glasgow Climate Pact

After two weeks of intense negotiations, running 24 hours into overtime, COP26 has come to a close producing the “Glasgow Climate Pact”. Although most global headlines have focused on the last-minute watering down of the Pact – with India imposing a use of the term “phase-down” of coal power instead of the original “phase-out” –  and high income countries failing to make progress on the issue of loss and damage the conference also delivered positive outcomes with commitments to doubling adaptation finance and a push for more ambitious climate pledges by next year.