Energy transition

Energy efficiency: The low hanging fruit

Decoupling emissions from economic growth is seen as a key requisite for meeting climate targets. How do we achieve this? “Energy efficiency resources are infinitely expendable resources of ideas, depleting only stupidity, a very abundant resource,” says Amory Lovins.

Our favourite podcasts on climate change (and beyond)

Technical or easygoing, informative or inspiring, settled or still on air: the panorama of podcasts on climate change is wide and diverse. Maybe, even too much: to guide you in finding the most suitable one for you, we asked the CMCC scientists to suggest their favorite podcast series.

From waste to resource: the rise of urban mining

Mining isn’t the only way to extract the critical raw materials needed for the green transition. Soon, they could increasingly be recovered from waste, reducing the need for virgin materials and the dependence of EU from the import.


The Critical Raw Materials Act: digging in the dirt for a sustainable future

The European path to meet the goals for a clean, green, and renewable energy future leads to a growing demand of critical metals supply. A recent agreement proposes a response mechanism to the risks of critical raw materials supply shortage or disruption, working towards a more independent and resilient Europe, while negotiating with strict environmental regulations.

Who believes in green promises?

A team of scientists analyses the interaction between heterogeneous expectations, investment decisions and climate mitigation policymaking, examining how firms invest in low versus high carbon capital based on their beliefs about future carbon prices.

Climate technology

Can they fix a deepening climate crisis created by dirty technologies and systems? In recent years, climate technology has entered the lexicon of innovators and decision-makers in an effort to speed up the development and transfer of effective solutions. An in-depth definition of climate technology and the solutions they bring to climate-related issues.

COP27 Decarbonization Day

COP27 Decarbonization Day

A crucial part of the Paris Agreement is decarbonization. This involves cutting CO2 emissions as much as possible, including in hard to abate sectors. Through policy, technology and nature based solutions decarbonization has been shown to be possible but will require immediate and radical action. November 11 at COP27 is the Decarbonization Day.

COP27 Energy Day

Renewables, technological development, digitalization. Climate change mitigation cannot do without profound changes on how energy is produced and used, but this revolution must “leave no one behind”. Ensuring a just transition in the energy sector is a core topic at COP27, which is addressed on the Energy Day, November 15.

Julien Vincent

Julien Vincent: Individuals make market forces

Through collective action individuals can strong-hand financial institutions into divesting from environmentally damaging projects. Winner of the 2022 Goldman Environmental prize, Julien Vincent, explains how climate advocacy revolves around bringing the right information and solutions to the right people at the right time.

The most powerful weapon of change

Is generating more energy with less emissions a farfetched utopia? Far from it, international expert Pia Løvengreen Alessi shows us the faces behind the emerging technical, organisational, and behavioural revolution that has the force to change the world. A revolution involving younger generations, over a billion people without access to energy, as well as present and future global leaders. A revolution that is being carried forward with what Nelson Mandela called the most powerful weapon of change.

Solving the energy crisis with renewables

With the price of crude oil reaching its highest level in over a decade and the cost of natural gas skyrocketing, policymakers are faced with a choice: double down on fossil fuels or add urgency to the clean energy transition? Although most agree investing in renewables is the more logical solution, others are pushing for fossil fuel infrastructure, potentially locking the world into “irreversible warming” and creating a mass of stranded assets.