Global Media

Heatwaves or the new normal? Global media analyses and reactions

Record-breaking temperatures in Europe, heat advisory in the US, and peaks in electricity consumption in China. Media outlets and climate change communicators across the world are pointing to links between the ongoing heatwaves and climate change, just as researchers are working to make the science behind extreme weather attribution more robust.

Global media reactions to the IPCC’s mitigation report

One message rings clear above all others: it’s now or never for tackling climate change. Headlines, editorials, tweets, webinars, podcasts and more reactions from around the world to the latest instalment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 assessment report (WGIII).

IPCC Report

What the world has to say about the latest IPCC report

The United Nations’ latest climate report has brought media, experts and opinionists around the globe to reflect on the urgency of climate change, the irreversible consequences of our inaction and the different ways in which individual countries will be forced to adress adaptation challenges, climate change impacts and their own specific vulnerabilities.