
Non-State Actors Lead the Way to Decarbonization

Why is Japan struggling to increase its share of renewable energy and decarbonize its economy? Companies, municipalities, research institutions, and civil society organizations are seeking answers to these very questions. Ken Tanaka, of the Japan Climate Initiative Secretariat, shares some unique insight.

The Solar Rooftop Panel Revolution

From energy consumers to energy prosumers: homes, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities worldwide are being covered with solar photovoltaic panels. Opportunities and challenges of a transformation that is changing the world and shaping the immediate future, as described in the latest International Energy Agency forecast analysis. 

Clean Energy Revolution? The Numbers Make Sense

Although fossil fuels have powered and shaped the modern era they have also been a major contributing factor in the current climate crisis. However, energy will also be a key factor in coping with the consequences of climate change: a global clean energy revolution whose economic implications bring newfound hope for our future.

Renewable Energy: Powering Jobs and Growth

A record breaking 11 million jobs in 2018: as renewables continue to generate employment, policy makers and businesses are beginning to see beyond the purely environmental benefits and recognise the broad socio-economic opportunities and benefits that renewables can bring

When Renewables are Cheaper: Coping With the Coal Cost Crossover

The coal cost crossover is when renewables become less costly than using coal. A new report reveals that the USA has officially entered this point, whereby approximately 75% of coal production is more expensive than renewables, with the US coal industry to be completely out-competed on cost by 2025. However, how this energy transition will affect local communities remains unclear.

The electrification pathway

Limiting the global temperature increase within safe levels requires an energy revolution. The development of breakthrough energy storage technologies can greatly help towards this goal.