COP27 Solutions Day

Solutions will be the theme of the day on November 17 at COP27. From holistic to sectorial, solutions to the climate crisis range from global to local and differ in scale. This day will foster and facilitate the ongoing exchange between policymakers, businesses and innovators. Experiences, awareness and viability will be at the centre of the dialogue to imagine a more sustainable future.

Science tells us we can still prevent some of the worst climate change impacts, but there is a need to find viable solutions and promote those that already exist and are currently overshadowed by efforts to delay action.  We live in an era of climate opportunity: finding innovative solutions to climate change-related challenges is a key aspect to transboundary climate negotiations. International gatherings such as the COP27 are important grounds to build a bridge between decision-makers and innovators from the private sector, including SMEs and finance

Solutions range from global to local, presenting a wide variety of approaches in terms of actors involved and the scale considered. Among others, climate services contribute to the successful integration of scientific information in policies, business models and technological advances. Technological and digital innovation is at the forefront of the climate solution debate concerning sectors with the largest share of emissions worldwide, including transport, infrastructure and buildings

Emissions follow the linear growth that is central to the current economic system. Envisioning climate solutions entails considering alternative economic models, such as the circular economy. A paradigm shift is fundamental to leave behind the current high-emission pathway, but finding solutions to adapt to a new climate in a less optimistic scenario is also crucial. Inspiration can come from the natural environment itself, leading to the so-called Nature based Solutions (NbS),  actions that protect, manage and restore ecosystems with mutual benefits for both human well-being and biodiversity. Nature-based Solutions are used to design and devise sustainable infrastructure as well as protecting human systems from future extreme events. 

All stakeholders involved are called to act in the creative process needed to limit the impacts of global warming, harnessing the different types of solutions available through dialogue, collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach.


hands holding a smartphone

Make us immune to climate misinformation

From sensational media narratives to conspiracy theories, the impact of misinformation on climate change discussion is pervasive, posing a threat to climate action and fostering distrust in scientific endeavors. During the “Foresight Dialogues 2023” event, hosted by the CMCC Foundation, misinformation experts John Cook and Paula Gori explored innovative approaches, such as AI-based tools and cognitive science applications, aiming to equip the public with the tools needed to discern accurate information.


The climate backstage at UNFCCC conferences – Ep.04

Behind the scenes of the climate negotiations, where the whole world sits around the same table. We discover the swing of frustration and excitement underlying the process that brings to globally awaited treaties. It is a plot of interminable sessions, under the danger of a deadlock that is always around the corner, behind a comma or a single concept.
Scientists, delegates and a journalist unveil how a climate agreement takes shape in the halls and the corridors of an International Climate Conference.

Low carbon economy jobs, Foresight, CMCC

Low carbon economy can generate millions of new jobs

Twenty-four million new jobs will be created globally by 2030 if the right policies to promote a greener economy are put in place, a new …