Marina Menga

yellow pinwheel in green grass field

The grass is always greener, in my backyard: Perception and impacts of renewable energy

“Wind and solar energy are inherently free,” though research is crucial to understanding the true costs and benefits of renewable energy projects. As renewable energy evolves, with technical barriers dissolving and costs declining, challenges persist in navigating public perception and policy hurdles. CMCC researcher Wei Guo explores the multifaceted journey of overcoming historical obstacles and envisioning a sustainable transition, delving into the complexities that will shape our renewable energy future.

Surface air temperature anomalies in 2023. Credits: Copernicus Climate Change Service

Visual narratives: From science to engagement through the European State of the Climate

More than just colorful maps and eye-catching graphics. Data visualization enhances the readability of complex data, engages broader audiences, and sparks interest in the “state of the climate”. Anna Lombardi, climate data visualizer at the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), offers insight into what’s behind visual narratives for climate trends. Through innovative data visualizations, the latest C3S report enhances accessibility and engagement with climate science across all audiences.

green roofs

Beyond material and design: Bridging urban climate adaptation to Europe

Urban environment and infrastructure design are among the intersections of local, national, and European adaptation policies. Evidence of these interactions is part of the New European Bauhaus, where architecture and creativity meet climate science and sustainable development goals.
We explore insights from the European Environment Agency (EEA) report ‘Urban Adaptation in Europe’, which analyses solutions to climate challenges.

Navigating coastal dynamics and building resilience

Around 40% of the global population resides on coasts, with many relying on coastal resources for sustenance. Climate change exacerbates coastal hazards, compelling decision-makers and asset owners to address coastal resilience. Delphine Lobelle, Climate & Nature advisor at Fugro, highlights the importance of understanding coastal dynamics to empower stakeholders and promote proactive measures for coastal resilience.

flooded European street

A call to action for a climate-resilient Europe. Interview with Hans-Martin Füssel.

As Europe grapples with the escalating impacts of climate change, urgent action is imperative to address the multifaceted risks threatening the continent’s well-being. In an interview with Hans-Martin Füssel, an EEA Expert in Climate Change Adaptation, we delve into the findings of the European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) report. From heatwaves to floods, the report sheds light on critical challenges and underscores the need for proactive measures that safeguard Europe’s future amidst the climate crisis.

The rocky path to Europe’s Nature Restoration Law

The Nature Restoration Law, initially a cornerstone of the European Green Deal, has undergone significant revisions due to pressure from farmer protests and the rise of populist sentiments among some EU lawmakers and governments. Despite numerous concessions, the law remains stuck in the regulatory process, with some countries taking hardline positions ahead of the upcoming bloc-wide election.

houses with solar panels

John Weyant: Integrated Assessment Modelling informing future climate policy

“Whether or not we keep up with the needs of policymakers will be determined by how much they trust the results from models and how relevant they are to their needs.” Professor John Weyant of Stanford University discusses the evolution of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), emphasizing the importance of incorporating growing datasets to meet policymakers’ needs. The Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) gathers leading climate modeling experts, facilitating crucial advancements in scenario development for climate policy. Its contributions, including defining concepts like Net-Zero, are crucial in informing international climate agreements and shaping future strategies for combating climate change.

protecting public property

Brick by brick: A multi-dimensional approach to protecting public property

Climate scientists worked together with state property administrators and technicians towards understanding and assessing key climate hazards for buildings in Italy. A one-of-its-kind collaboration, it resulted in a step-by-step methodology to support efforts in evaluating the impacts of climate change on built heritage. The process involved examining prevalent tools in architectural and urban design, analyzing common policy frameworks, and exploring emerging trends at the community level.

Beyond forecasting: Machine Learning exploring climate impacts

Machine learning has emerged as a transformative tool in climate research, evolving from theory to practice over the past few decades. In this context, CMCC is expanding its focus beyond traditional climate modeling to include the study of environmental, social and economic impacts of climate change through data-driven approaches. This transformation is expected to involve all-encompassing capacity building, with substantial infrastructure investments alongside efforts to enhance the knowledge base of scientists.

Beyond carbon price tags: Achieving climate justice in the EU

As climate policies evolve, so too must their approach to equity: a just and equal transition is “probably the only one that’s feasible”, explains Matthias Weitzel, researcher at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Navigating the complexities of EU climate policies, such as the balance between regulatory standards and carbon pricing, is crucial to ensure fairness and equity across society.


Untapped potential: Transportation’s sustainable future

The pivotal role of the transport sector in a changing climate reveals both its challenges and opportunities. With transport representing the largest energy consuming sector in 40% of countries worldwide, the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report underscores the necessity of systemic changes, from electrification in land transport to innovations in aviation and shipping fuels. AR6 offers a comprehensive roadmap, emphasizing technological advancements, effective policies, and behavioral shifts to steer transportation towards a sustainable path.

Unprecedented weather events: The path ahead

With the WEF Global Risks Report highlighting extreme weather as the foremost global crisis trigger for 2024, improving our understanding and forecasting of extreme events is crucial for facing the challenges ahead and building a more resilient future. CMCC research leverages advanced climate models and collaborations to unravel the complexities of extreme events, integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, and enhancing early warning systems.