
COP27 Decarbonization Day

COP27 Decarbonization Day

A crucial part of the Paris Agreement is decarbonization. This involves cutting CO2 emissions as much as possible, including in hard to abate sectors. Through policy, technology and nature based solutions decarbonization has been shown to be possible but will require immediate and radical action. November 11 at COP27 is the Decarbonization Day.

COP27 Adaptation and Agriculture Day

Climate change impacts are already affecting our existence and that of the natural resources which allow us to live on this planet. In this context, adaptation and resilience are crucial for all countries and regions worldwide, especially those more vulnerable to such impacts. Below is a short summary of CMCC’s latest scientific results on adaptation planning, agriculture and food security, the topics at the core of the discussion in Egypt, at COP27 on November 12. Have a look!

COP27 Water Day

Water is essential to life on Earth. However, climate change is threatening its availability and making it increasingly difficult to access and manage this precious resource, with cascading impacts on livelihoods and societies. To better understand what is being discussed during the COP27 Water Day on November 14, we provide a brief overview of the CMCC’s scientific work on water management and planning, along with educational and awareness-raising activities. Dive in!

COP27 ACE and Civil Society Day

Effective climate action requires all stakeholders to participate. Whether this be youth, NGOs or shareholders of large financial institutions it is important that all stakeholders find space at the negotiating table. Discover the meaning and scope of the main topic of November 15, COP27’s Action for Climate Empowerment and Civil Society Day, through the lens of CMCC activities and contributions to the topic.

COP27 Energy Day

Renewables, technological development, digitalization. Climate change mitigation cannot do without profound changes on how energy is produced and used, but this revolution must “leave no one behind”. Ensuring a just transition in the energy sector is a core topic at COP27, which is addressed on the Energy Day, November 15.

COP27 Biodiversity Day

Biodiversity and Climate

Discussions about climate must go hand in hand with discussions about the environment and hence biodiversity. This not only means looking at how to ensure biodiversity is maintained and promoted but also how nature itself can be a vital instrument in climate proofing the planet. Biodiversity is the core of COP15 in Montreal and was one of the main topics at COP27 in Egypt. A list of resources to better understand the climate-biodiversity nexus.

COP27 Solutions Day

Solutions will be the theme of the day on November 17 at COP27. From holistic to sectorial, solutions to the climate crisis range from global to local and differ in scale. This day will foster and facilitate the ongoing exchange between policymakers, businesses and innovators. Experiences, awareness and viability will be at the centre of the dialogue to imagine a more sustainable future.

Flood and drought: Two sides of the same coin

From mid-June to the end of August 2022, Pakistan experienced record-breaking rainfall which led to unprecedented flooding in much of the country. This came off the back of a deadly heatwave just months before with peak temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius. What do these seemingly contrasting events have in common? “Extreme event attribution” helps scientists identify if there are human fingerprints on these extreme events.

Climate issues at the UN General Assembly

From deadly flooding in Pakistan to the energy crisis and climate justice, the 77th session of the UN General Assembly will have to face climate issues notwithstanding the overarching shadow of war.


The climate stories stored in trees

What does uncovering the mysteries surrounding sunken ships have in common with understanding our climate? Both involve looking at tree cores and studying the historical archives contained within their inner rings. Dendrochronology, literally the study of tree time, offers a view into the past that provides vital information about our present and future.