China in waste

A lot has been said about China’s booming economy, but less light has been shed on its waste problem, accelerated by urban growth and expanding international trade.

This report looks at how the overwhelming amount of waste affects people’s lives in the suburb of Beijing. It raises the question: what is a sustainable way of living in a consumer society?

A 360 video by LOOKOUT360° – A Climate Change Immersive Story Accelerator

The Climate Change Immersive Story Accelerator is a new 6-month media support programme for journalists and producers who are eager to get started with immersive stories on climate change.

As a pilot project, the European Forest Institute and the Global Editors Network have joined forces to launch Lookout360° that focuses on 360 video storytelling on climate change.



The Green Climate Fund Must Focus on Adaptation  

Historically adaptation projects have received less funding than ones for mitigation. Furthermore, the burden of implementing adaptation is falling ever more on the public sector, whereas for mitigation private sector interest and investments are on the rise. This is leading to consequences in how climate finance allocates resources which are failing to support at risk areas and Least Developed Countries. The Green Climate Fund aims to bridge this funding gap and has secured its second round of funding, this time obtaining 9.78 billion USD in pledges. 


What if AI could save lives? A paradigm shift in weather forecasting

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is showing an ability to provide faster and more accurate medium-range weather forecasts at a global level using fewer computational resources. Remi Lam presents GraphCast, the open-source machine-learning model produced by the AI firm Google DeepMind. Delivering 10-day weather predictions in less than one minute, the model could benefit people’s everyday lives across the globe, as well as providing better warnings for extreme events. 


No need to exclude any food

More of this, less of that: there is no need to exclude any food. By adjusting eating habits, Europeans can prevent cardiovascular diseases while halving the EU carbon footprint linked to food consumption. A visual guide to how Europeans can adopt eating habits that are both healthy and halve emissions.