The era of climate opportunity

How important is listening to science when facing climate risks: renewable energy, advances in technology, an active financial sector and carbon pricing. It is “A perfect storm of climate opportunity”.

Michael E. Mann, Director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, one of the world’s most influential climate scientists and author of the book The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet, reveals how to face the “coalition of the unwilling” made up of fossil fuel interests, climate change deniers, conservative media tycoons and petrostate actors.

The science tells us it is not too late to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. There is great urgency to act now to reduce carbon emissions globally by a factor of two within the next decade if we are to avert a truly dangerous interference with our climate.
Michael E. Mann

Today it is not possible anymore to deny that climate change is happening, because we are seeing the impacts. But the “forces of inaction” haven’t given up, they have changed their tactics. They’ve moved from the “old climate war”, which was an effort to discredit the scientific evidence and the scientists, to what I call the “new climate war”, a new array of tactics – including soft denial and efforts to delay action – that are still aimed at keeping us addicted to fossil fuels.

Michael E. Mann

The live streaming event was part of the series Seeds. Words that feed the future for the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra”.



Global Risks Report: Environmental Concerns Take Top Spots Just As Business Leaders Lag Behind

The World Economic Forum’s annual Global Risks Report brings together around 800 experts in business, government and civil society to create a summary of what “the world’s most pressing challenges” for the coming year by likelihood and impact will be. Unsurprisingly, climate-related issues featured in all of the top long-term risks. However, the report also revealed how different global actors perceive these risks and, alarmingly, business leaders are lagging behind other respondents. A finding that was emphasized by the Annual CEO Survey that revealed just how far behind business leaders are in their concern for climate risks.


Sir. David Attenborough Gives us the Facts on Climate Change

On the 18th of April the BBC brought the familiar and soothing voice of David Attenborough back to TV screens with a new documentary: Climate Change – The Facts. However, this time, his silky voice carries a sense of urgency, taking the viewer on a heart wrenching journey that issues a clear warning: the climate is changing and we have to listen to the facts.


Disbanded Climate Group Reconvenes

The climate change advisory panel disbanded by Trump in 2017 has regrouped. They warn that the US economy is set to lose $500bn due to extreme weather events and aim to develop science-based methods to support local communities in implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies.