Alessandra Mazzai

Ocean. Stories of Humans and Climate Change

The ocean tells stories of climate change. Journalism brings them to the world. A dialogue on how climate change and pollution are affecting the ocean and people’s lives, and how stories grounded in scientific evidence can be made accessible to the public at large through journalism and writing.

Climate Change and photography

How is climate change changing lives? How photography as a medium can improve and innovate climate change communication and contribute to the climate transition?

Science Feeds Policy: The New European Strategy

More data and knowledge to the service of decision makers can help make Europe a fully climate resilient continent by mid-century. The new European Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change aims to lead the world by example and calls for more consideration of the transboundary effects of climate impacts and for a ‘smarter, more systemic and swifter’ adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

Women: Reshaping the Climate Leadership

An anthology of essays, poems and illustrations. Against the backdrop of the UN reminding us that women continue to be excluded from participating fully in science, we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with “All We Can Save”, a collection of voices of women across generations, races, geography, and backgrounds.

Dual-Action, Triple Win: Addressing the Converging Health and Climate Crises

Both weigh on the health systems, both aggravate existing inequalities, both have huge economic impacts. COVID-19 and climate change are crisis that need to be tackled together, because “we do not have the luxury of taking one crisis at a time”. The 2020 Lancet Countdown Report on Health and Climate Change told by one of its authors.

Private Sector: Low Carbon Investments in the Era of Uncertainty

A low carbon world is being shaped, and the private sector is in the spotlight. While the pandemic is teaching the importance of getting prepared to future risks, the big actors of the financial system are refining the criteria for the allocation of capital to get safe from the coming challenges. For businesses, keeping up with the change is not a matter of reputation anymore. Dealing with climate change is now about financial survival.

Innovate as if the Future Mattered

Collaborations, connections, community, engagement, concerted efforts. For a sustainable and climate-resilient future, what needs to shift is human behaviour and human perception. Kirsten Dunlop, CEO at EIT Climate-KIC, on the benefits of linking human and planetary health when designing systemic change through innovation that leads us out of the current crisis. Dealing with “climate change is not about finding and implementing the right solutions”.


The Low-Carbon Innovation Lever

Technologies needed in the next ten years to be on track with the Paris Agreement goals already exist but are not enough diffused. The authors of the World Bank report “Technology Transfer and Innovation for Low-Carbon Development” explain how policies can transform a must for climate change into a big opportunity for sustainable growth, especially for developing countries.

Are We Prepared for the Next Crisis?

Horizon scanning, risk awareness, preparedness. Environmental disclosure can become a lever for companies to exit the current crisis and get ready for future ones. A discussion with Pietro Bertazzi, the Global Director – Policy Engagement at CDP, about what the business and policy spheres can learn from the pandemic so that they aren’t taken by surprise in dealing with climate change.

The Climate Change Trap

An escape valve for local tensions. An occasion to adapt to the changing climate. In a future with higher temperatures and rarer natural resources, migration arises as an opportunity for many people to find more hospitable places to live in. An opportunity not for everyone, as migrating is expensive, and especially the most vulnerable and poor might find themselves unable to move, blocked into a trap that climate change can, in turn, worsen by keeping worsening inequalities and poverty.

Food for Climate

Two faces of the same world. Obesity, food loss and waste, land competition for non-food crops on the one hand. Hunger, struggle for food security, worries for a growing population to feed on the other hand. Many paradoxes are governing the current unsustainable food system, grounded in a type of agriculture that maximizes yields at any cost for human health and the environment. We dive into an open debate in the scientific community about how to ensure that the agriculture of the future is sustainable and good for the climate, analyzing the pros and cons of organic farming as a possible solution.