
dry tree on dry land

The future of droughts: living on a drier planet

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines drought as “a period of abnormally dry weather long enough to cause a serious hydrological imbalance.” The definition is however flexible, as drought is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, whose impacts are influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors.

Future food is an ecosystem

Who’s afraid of lab-grown meat? From the cradle of one of the world’s most celebrated food cultures, Sara Roversi, entrepreneur and president of the Future Food Institute, talks about how tradition and innovation in the food sector interact to reveal “the profound interconnection between political, economic, human, environmental, social and cultural pillars.”

vertical farming

Is the future of farming vertical?

Efficient, resilient and future proof or wasteful, energy intensive and prohibitively expensive? To some the future of food production lies in indoor vertical farms, where food is grown locally and in controlled environments that are resilient to the fast changing outside world. Others are not buying into the hype.


“Now the hard work begins”: Environmental leaders on the COP15 Biodiversity Framework

Global leaders agreed to halt biodiversity loss by protecting 30% of the world’s land and ocean by 2030. Leaders from environmental organizations around the world react to the deal, highlighting its merits and the potential issues that come with it. From “a watershed moment” to “we don’t need people to tell us what to do”, the consensus is that governments need to treat the Kuming-Montreal Biodiversity framework “as a floor, not a ceiling”.

Now is the time for action: The COP15 on biodiversity

“Paris moment for nature”, is the phrase being used to raise expectations: the COP15, due to be held in Canada, must play a crucial role in halting biodiversity loss and restoring nature over the next decade. However, according to global media predictions, there is something that may undermine the impact of the event before it has even begun.

COP27 Adaptation and Agriculture Day

Climate change impacts are already affecting our existence and that of the natural resources which allow us to live on this planet. In this context, adaptation and resilience are crucial for all countries and regions worldwide, especially those more vulnerable to such impacts. Below is a short summary of CMCC’s latest scientific results on adaptation planning, agriculture and food security, the topics at the core of the discussion in Egypt, at COP27 on November 12. Have a look!

COP27 Biodiversity Day

Biodiversity and Climate

Discussions about climate must go hand in hand with discussions about the environment and hence biodiversity. This not only means looking at how to ensure biodiversity is maintained and promoted but also how nature itself can be a vital instrument in climate proofing the planet. Biodiversity is the core of COP15 in Montreal and was one of the main topics at COP27 in Egypt. A list of resources to better understand the climate-biodiversity nexus.


The climate stories stored in trees

What does uncovering the mysteries surrounding sunken ships have in common with understanding our climate? Both involve looking at tree cores and studying the historical archives contained within their inner rings. Dendrochronology, literally the study of tree time, offers a view into the past that provides vital information about our present and future.

Wildfires: Compromising A Key Natural Climate Solution

Australia is experiencing the worst wildfires seen in decades, as drought and heatwaves fan the flames. In the summer and Autumn of 2019, a significant increase in wildfires brought the Amazon close to a tipping point with global ramifications. Some of these fires were caused by man as land is cleared to make way for agribusiness, logging, mining and other “development” projects. While climate change is exacerbating bushfire intensity and damages, experts and policymakers are calling for strong measures to save what is one of the planet’s main carbon sinks and a vital natural climate solution.

Italy has much to say about climate change and how it affects land

Sustainable agriculture, adaptation plans and creativity are all needed to drive a high quality productive sector that considers scientific knowledge on climate change and sustainability. Italy can play an important role in a global context where, among others, food, eating habits, sustainable land use and the dialogue between science and society are crucial elements.