
Disbanded Climate Group Reconvenes

The climate change advisory panel disbanded by Trump in 2017 has regrouped. They warn that the US economy is set to lose $500bn due to extreme weather events and aim to develop science-based methods to support local communities in implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Dial T for Climate

The near future has a clear protagonist and its name is Temperature. It is not difficult to reach this conclusion from the reading of the latest report of the Ipcc, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with the unequivocal title: Global Warming of 1.5.

The electrification pathway

Limiting the global temperature increase within safe levels requires an energy revolution. The development of breakthrough energy storage technologies can greatly help towards this goal.

The future of Antarctica we want

The future of Antarctica we want

What will Antarctica look like in 2070? Two different scenarios explore how Antarctica and the Southern Ocean will change over the next 50 years. Choices made in the next decade will determine long-term consequences for Antarctica and the rest of the globe, according to a research recently published on Nature.

The new Atlantis: how climate change endangers our Internet network

The new Atlantis: how climate change endangers our Internet network

Climate change – related sea level incursions could have a devastating impact on Internet communication infrastructure even in the relatively short term. A risk assessment to highlight the threats to the management and operations of communications systems and develop mitigation strategies designed to minimize the impacts on coastal areas.