Aurora D'Aprile

In the name of the law: climate action goes to court - Urgenda casa

In the name of the law: climate action goes to court

Over the last few years, an ever-increasing number of lawsuits have seen citizens and associations bringing their governments to the courts to enforce climate change commitments or to push for more ambitious policy goals to reduce emissions and adapt to impacts of the changing climate.

Reasons to be positive about the future of the Ocean

There are growing threats to oceans, yet positive trends are kicking in, and prospects may be more optimistic than the current figures suggests. “We have a plan,” – United Nations Special Envoy Peter Thomson explains to Foresight – “and we are working to put it into practice.”

Small Island States at the Forefront

From immediate emergencies to slower onset problems, Small Island States are those most affected by the combined impacts of climate change and the degradation of oceans’ health. Sitting at the international negotiations they claim the keywords for the future: consistency, ambition. And urgency.