Foresight Staff

coral reef juli berwald

Emotions and science: Juli Berwald finds hope in coral reefs

Her latest book “Life on the rocks” is a collection of factual and engaging stories about corals. As a marine biologist and writer Juli Berwald brings her unique perspective and sense of wonder for coral reefs to the reader, sharing stories of her personal struggles and hope in the face of adversity. Why? Because “people act on their feelings”.

Imagine our future planet – Ep.01

Where does science meet imagination? Our complex, interconnected, fast-changing world makes anticipating the future increasingly difficult. Alex Steffen, futurist, and Carolina Aragón, artist, guide us through their different, and sometimes complementary, perspectives on our future planet.

Unheard voices: Climate change as a matter of social justice

by Ella Healy and Ana Ross

Inequalities exacerbated by climate change cannot be communicated without involving the frontline communities experiencing its worst impacts. Effective communication strategies serve to eradicate – rather than perpetuate – these inequalities, and offer a more nuanced, empowered representation of those most vulnerable to climate change.

More with less. Visual stories of energy poverty

by Marco Garofalo

A camera can shine light on some of the main global problems and inequalities. Photo reporter Marco Garofalo, author of the project Energy Portraits, shares his story of documenting the importance of modern energy access for human development in Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Bolivia and India. Looking for “the best, most human, most comprehensible way” to tell the story of energy poverty.

Food: The story of climate change is written in our changing menus

Flavours of wine will be different, chocolate prices will rise, nutritional quality and yields of several crops will decline. Food offers unlimited stories to bring the perception of climate change closer to people, from the challenges facing our favourite foods to a different narration that highlights solutions and the value of science. A climate change and food scientist, a freelance writer, and a once-upon-a-time professional chef have put in place an effective mix of multiple modes of communication that can motivate people to join forces for climate action along the food supply chain.

COP26: There is no mitigation without cooperation

The rules are now fixed. Corresponding adjustments and partial cancellation ensure key elements to preserving climate integrity. A look at Article 6, one of the thorniest issues in climate negotiations, which has gradually taken shape from Paris to Glasgow and regulates how countries cooperate – from bilateral trade to carbon markets – to enhance mitigation outcomes and support adaptation.

Filling in the Climate Reporting Gap

They build capacity and offer a voice for the areas which are most affected by Climate Change. They create a broad and fluid network of journalists and communicators that share resources, information and opportunities. All of which, in a very effective and innovative way. Discover Climate Tracker, the next generation of climate journalists.