Climate Finance

green premium

Green premium

“It is a challenge to be overcome if we want to reach our climate targets,” say global experts, investors and economists. The green premium concept helps measure progress on green technology deployment and, at the same time, establish what the next steps should be for a rapid low-carbon transition. A review of sources, definitions and data to understand a key factor in the climate transition. 

What is environmental intelligence?

It can leverage new technologies including artificial intelligence and machine learning to greatly improve the selection, processing and use of the vast amounts of climate data we currently have. The result? More informed and effective decision making from the local to the global level. Scientists, startuppers and representatives of EU institutions dialogue on funding opportunities, innovation and applications.

Who believes in green promises?

A team of scientists analyses the interaction between heterogeneous expectations, investment decisions and climate mitigation policymaking, examining how firms invest in low versus high carbon capital based on their beliefs about future carbon prices.

The climatization of finance

In our polycrisis era, the year 2023 will be decisive for the finance-nature-climate nexus. Three key upshots for net-zero law based on how policymakers (as recently Ursula von der Leyen in Davos) call financial institutions to mobilize behind future-proof pathways.

Be prepared for the polycrisis era

Diverse crises spanning over three different timeframes. They are interconnected and put us in the middle of a shift in power. This is the time to adapt ourselves to a “new order”, but this is also a period of crucial opportunity for moving forward. Insights from the Global Risks Report 2023.

Fit For 55: The EU’s renewed ambitions on climate finance and carbon tax

New demanding challenges in the agreement that was signed a few days before Christmas, the most advanced climate legislation in the world. The renewed tools and ambitions affect politically sensitive sectors and plan to support the most vulnerable citizens and enterprises to contribute to the transition. All the details on the political agreement the Council and the European Parliament reached.

We are brokers of sustainability: The science, policy and business nexus

CEOs, shareholders, voters and policy-makers: there is a way of communicating with all of them that helps build a common, sustainable future. However, it requires a holistic perspective of the climate crisis. With experience in international diplomacy and private consultancy, the eclectic journalist Ione Anderson underscores what holds together business people in meeting rooms and young generations marching during climate strikes.

COP27 Finance Day

At COP27, November 9 will be the thematic day dedicated to climate finance. As countries gradually improve their financial commitments to meet the Paris Agreement goals in the UNFCCC context, the private sector is attracted by the countless opportunities implicit in a decarbonized world. A guide to understanding the importance of finance for the climate transition through the CMCC’s work and content.

Julien Vincent

Julien Vincent: Individuals make market forces

Through collective action individuals can strong-hand financial institutions into divesting from environmentally damaging projects. Winner of the 2022 Goldman Environmental prize, Julien Vincent, explains how climate advocacy revolves around bringing the right information and solutions to the right people at the right time.